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xMexican Congress unanimously declares that immigration detention is no place for children
Date: 27th October 2020
Refugee , migrant and asylum-seeking children

Following more than a decade of multi-level advocacy, and collaboration between civil society organisations, international partners, government authorities, and communities, all 389 members of the Mexican Congress declared to end the immigration detention of children.
Here is a brief overview of how the Mexican Congress came to this decision.
The International Detention Coalition (IDC) members in Mexico launched a global Campaign to End Child Immigration Detention.
As a result of advocacy and campaign efforts, Mexican Government established a national protection system for all children, regardless of their immigration situation, along with regulations that specifically prohibited their confinement in immigration detention centres.
Mexican Government led the drafting and lobbying of breakthrough commitments under the Global Compact for Migration. These commitments promote existing children’s rights obligations under the UNCRC and supports considering the best interests of the child in all situations including children in the context of international migration, unaccompanied and separated children. Subsequently, the Working Group on Alternatives to Detention for Children was established.
2018 to 2020
IDC members actively engaged in the Migration Policy Working Group to lobby and train legislators on the urgent and important nature of the law reform proposals before the Mexican Congress. The success of these events, advocacy and collaboration led to the unanimous decision to safeguard migrant and refugee children being made.
- Find out more here.