Children’s views sought on UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill

Date: 12th October 2020
Category: Incorporation


The Equalities and Human Rights Committee has launched a child friendly version of the consultation on the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill. The children’s version is accompanied by resources and information, including a facilitator pack to help adults planning engagement activities with children around the Bill.

The resources include:

Children and organisations who help to gather children’s views will have until 20th November 2020 to send the Committee their views – they can do so in any language and in a range of formats such as drawings and photos as well as in writing. Gaelic versions of the above resources are forthcoming.

  • Children's views can be submitted here.

The written call for views (aimed at adults, young people and organisations) will close later this week. The deadline for responses is 5:00pm on Friday 16th October 2020.

  • Submit a response here.
  • Read Together’s draft consultation response here.
  • Find out more about the Bill here.
  • Follow the Bill’s progress here.