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xLast chance to sign up to our final State of Children’s Rights Webinar on General Measures of Implementation
Date: 10th July 2020
General measures of implementation

The General Measures of Implementation webinar is now available to sign up to and will take place on Friday 17th of July 2020 from 9:30-11:00. This webinar will explore how children’s rights are implemented in Scotland with a focus on the general measures governments can use to ensure children’s rights are respected and realised across legislation, policy and practice.
The webinar will take place online via Zoom and is open to both Together members and non-members. It will involve a presentation from Together and breakout group discussions on the following topics:
- Law reform led by UNICEF and the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland
- Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment and child rights budgeting led by Health and Social Care Alliance and the Childhood and Youth Studies Research Group from University of Edinburgh
- Governance and participation led by Scottish Youth Parliament and Children’s Parliament
- Awareness and understanding led by Parenting Across Scotland and Children in Scotland
- Professional training and development led by CELCIS
Places are filling up quickly so be sure to register ASAP if you would like to participate. You can register your interest via Eventbrite here and we will be in touch by Tuesday 14th of July to confirm if you have been allocated a place and which break out group you have been allocated to.
If you have any questions, please contact Naomi Sutton, Policy & Communications Assistant by email at: naomi@togetherscotland.org.uk