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xConsultation on Proposed Right to Food (Scotland) Bill
Date: 10th July 2020

Closing date: 15th September 2020
Elaine Smith MSP has lodged a proposal for a Bill to enshrine the Right to Food into law in Scotland. If passed, the Bill would enable Scottish Parliament to hold Scottish Government to account when people are suffering from an inability to provide themselves or their families with nutritious food.
The proposed Bill suggests a number of features that would be required to properly ensure that obligations were met and measurable. The key elements of the proposed Bill are:
- Enshrining the human right to food into Scots law.
- Setting measurable targets for a right to food to be met.
- Requiring Scottish Government to check its policies and performance against the requirement to progress this right.
- Holding Scottish Government accountable for any regression or failure to meet its obligations.
- Establishing an independent statutory body to monitor progress towards meeting the right to food.
To get people talking about why the right to food is important to them and the organisations which they represent, organisations are invited to fill out this postcard sharing why the right to food is important. This postcard will contribute towards the consultation response and may be used for publicity purposes as it goes forward.
Organisations are encouraged to circulate the postcard and send responses back to righttofoodconsultation@Parliament.Scot
Learn more about the proposed Bill and to respond to the consultation here.