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xSurvey reveals concerns of small, medium and large charities during COVID-19
Date: 11th June 2020

The aim of this survey is to gather a broader understanding of how the sector is changing over time. The survey is open for 48 hours every week. The survey from 2-3rd June 2020 received 261 respondents from 94 ‘small’ charities (annual income of less than £500,000), 132 ‘medium’ sized charities (income between £500,000 and £10 million), 32 ‘large’ charities (income of £10 million or more), and three ‘other’.
Similar to previous weeks, nine out of 10 organisations felt as, or more, concerned over the past week about the impact of COVID-19. For small charities, close to half felt increasingly concerned over the past week about the impact of COVID-19 on their ability to deliver. For medium and large charities, that figure was closer to one in five.
The impact of social distancing on service delivery, alike to previous weeks’ survey results, remained the biggest negative impact of COVID-19 on charities. However, these figures may change in response to some of restrictions being lifted to different extents across the UK.
There are slightly more optimistic figures on organisations expecting no impact, or even a positive impact on their organisation’s income over the next six months relative to their pre-crisis expectations, as it has risen to 12% in this survey in contrast to the week prior. However, there is little change in the proportion of charities who believe financial challenges will force them to close, with 12% believing it is likely they will no longer be operating in six months. This is perhaps unsurprising, given the increase in demand experienced by organisations, with 72% of charities expecting to face an increase in demand for their services over the next six months, compared to their pre-crisis plans.