Raising the age of referral to the principal reporter

Date: 25th June 2020
Category: Family Environment and Alternative Care


Closing date: 7th October 2020

The Scottish Government is consulting on raising the age at which a young person can be referred to a Children’s Hearing from 16 to 18.

Currently only 16 and 17-year-olds who are already within the Children’s Hearings System can be referred or have their order continued until they are 18.

The proposal is that the bar on new referrals is removed so all young people between 16 and 18 can benefit from the range of protective and supportive measures available through Children’s Hearings.

This consultation also seeks views on the structural, resourcing, service design and practice implications of the proposed changes and whether additional protections are necessary to facilitate safeguarding and access to support to victims.

  • Read more about this consultation here.
  • Submit your views here.