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xOne in six Scots volunteer in lockdown
Date: 11th June 2020
Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

Research has revealed around one in six adults in Scotland (16%) have done some form of voluntary service since the start of lockdown. More broadly, ten million adults in the UK have come together to support their communities.
Volunteering roles have ranged from calling socially isolated people to delivering groceries to those who are unable to leave their home. Across the UK, 19% of adults have volunteered, including nearly a quarter (23%) of furloughed workers. With each adult contributing an average of three hours of their time, this has an equivalent economic value of more than £357 million.
Volunteers came from all age groups, with 22% of those aged 35-54 giving up their time to assist others, 18% of those aged 55 and over, and 17% of people aged 34 and under. Almost a third (29%) of UK adults believe that younger generations have taken on more responsibility during the lockdown to support their parents and grandparents. More than three-quarters (78%) of those volunteering said they plan to continue helping those in need after the lockdown.
Nigel Wilson, Legal & General CEO, said: “Being more isolated has made us also more inclusive. Britain’s community spirit has doubled down in lockdown, forging an informal army of volunteers who are now a key part of our national infrastructure in the crisis. Individuals and families have come together and created new ties across communities, cutting across age, income and circumstances."
If you would like to volunteer your time, here are some useful links to get you started:
Read the research in full here
Girl Guiding Scotland has shared some ideas on ways to thank all the fantastic volunteers near you – read these here.