Parental Involvement Act - Statutory Guidance

Date: 28th May 2020

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Closing date: 30th June 2020

Scottish Government invites views from parental organisations, head teachers, local authorities, third sector organisations, professional bodies, members of the public and any other organisation or individual with an interest on the new draft guidance of the Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006, which aims to ensure parental engagement and involvement in their children’s learning, modernise and strengthen the statutory guidance, taking into account the changes of legislation and practice since 2007.

This guidance will explain the purpose of the legislation and the duties placed upon Education Authorities, schools and headteachers to involve and engage parents in their children’s learning and the wider school community. It will issue guidance to Education Authorities on their duties to prepare a strategy for parental involvement and a model or framework for establishing Parent Councils in schools where there is none and to Parent Councils on how they can carry out their functions.