Statutory guidance for children's services planning: Scottish Government response to the consultation analysis report

Date: 8th October 2019
Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare


Scottish Government has published a response to the consultation analysis report on the current statutory guidance for children's services planning under Part 3 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

The public consultation on the effectiveness of the statutory guidance took place between 25 March and 17 June 2019. Forty-five responses have been received from individuals, third sector organisations, local government, public bodies, trades unions and health boards.

The analysis of the consultation responses points out that the existing guidance has been viewed as helpful, flexible and, in the main, fit for purpose. There were also a number of areas where it was felt that some minor changes were required which would enhance the current provision. These included ensuring that it better reflects the evolving planning and policy landscape; is easy to access and understand; and emphasises the value of genuine inclusive multi-agency collaborative working to support the effectiveness and efficiency of plan production.