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xEuropean Parliament votes on Child Guarantee
Date: 29th October 2019
Disability, Basic Health and Welfare, Child poverty, Social security

In the resolution, members of the European Parliament called for measures to address the existing socio-economic differences in the European Union, including an EU Child Guarantee to fight child poverty. The resolution was adopted by 422 votes against 131 with 101 abstentions.
The Child Guarantee scheme was originally proposed by the European Parliament in November 2015. The scheme seeks to help in ensuring that every child in Europe at risk of poverty or social exclusion has access to:
- free healthcare
- free education
- free early childhood education and care
- decent housing and
- adequate nutrition.
In 2017, the European Parliament requested the European Commission to implement a preparatory action on establishing a possible child guarantee scheme. In this context, the European Commission commissioned a Study on the feasibility of a child guarantee for vulnerable children.
An Inception report, as well as a report on the online consultation have been already published.
An intermediary report will be available with the initial conclusions and recommendations of the feasibility study at the beginning of 2020.