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xUN Committee on the Rights of the Child urges wider ratification of the Optional Protocol on a Communications Procedure
Date: 18th April 2019
Reporting to and monitoring the UNCRC, UNCRC Optional Protocols and General Comments, Optional protocol on a communications procedure, Respect for the views of the child

As we mark the 5th anniversary of the entry into force of the Optional Protocol to the UNCRC on a Communications Procedure, UN officials have called for wider greater ratification of the instrument to strengthen children’s human rights across the world.
The Third Optional Protocol to the UNCRC sets out an international complaints procedure for child rights violations. It entered into force in April 2014, allowing children from states that have ratified the Optional Protocol to bring complaints about violations of their rights directly to the UN Committee if they have not found a solution at the national level.
Ratifying the Optional Protocol on a Communications Procedure would provide additional scrutiny for ensuring the rights of individual children are protected.
The legal instrument has been ratified by 43 states. The UK has not yet ratified the Optional Protocol and the UK Government currently has no plans to sign up.