Together responds to consultation on Trauma Training Plan

Date: 5th March 2019
Category: General measures of implementation, Training, Protection from abuse or neglect


Together has responded to a joint consultation by NHS Education Scotland and the Scottish Government on a new Trauma-informed Training Plan.

The consultation follows the publication of Transforming Psychological Trauma Framework in May 2017. This Framework was designed to support the development of a trauma-informed workforce and services in line with priorities to support survivors of child abuse, and to prevent adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and mitigate their impact.

The Trauma Training Plan will be a companion document to the Framework and will seek to implement it in practice. Together’s response highlights the need for both the Framework and Training Plan to take a child-rights approach. It highlights that ACEs involve the violation of children’s rights and that a rights-based approach is therefore the most effective way of preventing and responding to them.

Together’s response suggests that a rights-based approach could be adopted by linking the Framework and Training Plan to the Common Core. This earlier document sets out the skills, knowledge, understanding and values that everyone should have if they work with children and young people and their families. The Common Core is explicitly cross-referenced against the guiding principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.