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x2018 ROCK Conference report now available
Date: 26th March 2019
General measures of implementation

The report from the 2018 Rights of the Child UK (ROCK) Conference is now available online.
The Conference brought together almost 100 delegates from across Wales, Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and parts of Europe to explore developments taking place in each country to embed the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into law and policy.
Delegates from across a range of sectors with a keen interest in furthering children's rights, were informed of developments currently taking place in the UK and abroad, including threats to existing legal protections. Through facilitated roundtable discussion, delegates were invited to outline what steps their respective Governments should be taking to progress children's rights, alongside what actions they could take as civil society organisations to embed children's rights in all of their work.
Speakers included:
- Kirsten Sandberg (University of Oslo and former Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child),
- Huw Irranca Davies AM (Minister for Children, Older People and Social Care, Welsh Government),
- Professor Sally Holland (Children's Commissioner for Wales),
- Tara Murphy (Policy Principal, Office of the Children's Commissioner for Jersey),
- Karin Odquist Drackner (Senior Child Rights Legal Officer, UNICEF Sweden)
- Dr Simon Hoffman (Co-ordinator, Observatory on Human Rights of Children, Swansea University)
- Professor Laura Lundy (Director, Centre for Children's Rights, Queen's University, Belfast)
- Bethany Roberts & Bryani-Jean Kelly (Young Wales & Pembrokeshire Youth Assembly)
Presentations from the event have also been made available.
The 2019 Conference will be held at Queens University Belfast on 3rd December 2019. More details about the programme, speaker and registrations will be circulated closer to the event.