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xReport published on young people’s views of the Concluding Observations
Date: 23rd May 2018
Respect for the views of the child, Scotland-specific monitoring and reporting

A new report by Article 12 highlights the views, opinions and recommendations of young people following research which was undertaken with children and young people on the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child's 2016 Concluding Observations.
The report, entitled 'I Witness: the Concluding Observations', includes the views of Gypsy/Traveller children and young people, care experienced young people, young carers, young people experiencing mental ill-health, and young people with disabilities. Those involved in the research were asked about the issues they feel continue to impact on their lives, and those of their families, friends and communities.
The research featured in the report was undertaken in March 2017 at Article 12's 'UNCRC Concluding Observations' seminar. The purpose of the seminar was to discuss key issues and recommendations with each group of young people and their partner organisations who had participated in the reporting process of Article 12's Alternative Report during the UN Committee's review of the UK. Participants were asked to gather their views and opinions and identify any issues or challenges. The groups were then asked to propose solutions to the challenges that had been identified. Focused workshops were then also undertaken with specific groups of young people, including Gypsy/Travellers and young carers.
Some of the key recommendations that were made by the young people during the consultation process were:
- Young Gypsy/Travellers must be able to participate, at all levels, in the decision making processes that affect their lives, and the lives of others from their community;
- The UNCRC should be taught in schools to all students and staff;
- Young carers must be listened to and involved in decision making processes at all levels;
- Young disabled people want to have a bigger say in the services and choices that are involved in their lives and there must be a clearer understanding of the issues faced, in order for young disabled people to fully participate at all levels of society;
- There should be increased awareness of the UNCRC for all young disabled people and the professionals they work with, and advocate for, them.
- Read the full 'I Witness' report here.