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xGovernment responds to consultation on Named Person and Child’s Plan complaints procedure
Date: 12th January 2016
Policies & procedures
On 12th January 2016 the Scottish Government published its response to the public consultation on complaints concerning functions relating to the Named Person and Child's Plan, which are covered in Part 4 and 5 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.
The Scottish Government launched the 'Consultation on Complaints Concerning Functions Relating to the Named Person and Child's Plan' on 4 September 2015. This covered the powers of the Scottish Government to introduce a complaints procedure to cover the exercise of functions under Parts 4 and 5 of the Children and Young (People) Scotland Act 2014. It complemented the consultation on the statutory guidance on the functions of those two Parts of the Act, which was held between March and May of 2015.
The consultation on the complaints procedure closed on 30 October 2015. The findings of the consultation have been analysed and a report is available here.
The Scottish Government response sets out how Scottish Ministers have considered the findings of the consultation exercise in producing the Order setting out the consultation procedure for Parliamentary consideration, as well as the plans for developing and publishing guidance to accompany the Order.
The Scottish Government intends to lay the Order before Parliament in early 2016. This is to enable its passage before the dissolution of Parliament for the May 2016 electionsand support its commencement with the wider set of functions under Parts 4 and 5 on 31 August 2016.
There will be parallel development of supporting guidance with a view to publishing the guidance in summer 2016. For more information on the Getting it right for every child approach and the Children and Young People Act visit here.