Children in Scotland transitions survey: summary paper

Date: 31st January 2014
Category: Education, Leisure and Cultural Activities, Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

Children in Scotland coordinated a survey about transitions throughout childhood, and has recently published a summary paper of the survey results.

The purpose of the survey was to identify areas of positive experiences in transitions for children and young people with additional support needs that could be shared across the sector and recommend actions for policy and practice.

Children in Scotland has been involved in discussions with members and other organisations, including the Scottish Transitions Forum (hosted by Arc Scotland), about planning for and meeting the needs of children and young people with additional support needs as they move from one stage to the next. A key focus of this discussion has been the experience children and their families have in relation to the services they engage with.

Transitions generally have been an area where stakeholders have identified the need for improvement. It also forms part of the Scottish Government's long term plan for additional support for learning. The Transitions Forum has identified the 'Big 9' - problems that arise with transition from school - and 9 corresponding solutions to these problems. Together's State of Children's Rights report 2013 recommends that the 'Big 9' solutions to transitions should be taken forward by various stakeholders with immediate effect.

Parents contacting the Enquire helpline have reported difficulties in transition planning, concerns about the options available to their child on leaving school and a problem accessing support for Further Education.