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xBulletin on Business and Children
Date: 1st December 2013
General measures of implementation
Issue 7 of the "Quarterly Bulletin on Business and Children" was published in December 2013, which aims to draw global attention to the many ways in which companies impact children's rights, both positively and negatively.
The bulletin, published by the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre, keeps people informed about the important work that a range of organisations are doing on business and children's rights. This is set against the backdrop of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) General Comment No. 16 on State obligations regarding the impact of the business sector on children's rights. This General Comment is one of 17 to the UNCRC and was adopted in February 2013.
Issue 7 of the Quarterly Bulletin on Business and Children highlights that children in all parts of the world remain vulnerable to exploitation by business. Syrian children who have fled the conflict to neighbouring countries Jordan and Lebanon are working long hours for little pay and children in Macau are increasingly vulnerable to being trafficked for a reportedly growing sex tourism industry.
The Bulletin highlights work underway to reduce corporate abuses on children's rights, including the second Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva (December 2013). Forthcoming activities and recent projects and research are referred to throughout the bulletin.