Shared Care Scotland: Better Breaks Grants

Date: 23rd October 2013

Shared Care Scotland is inviting applications for funding for the 2014-2015 Better Breaks programme.

Third sector organisations working in Scotland can apply for a grant to develop short break opportunities for disabled children and young people (aged 0-20) and their carers.

Better Breaks aims to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Disabled children and young people, especially those with multiple support needs, will have more opportunities to take part in activities which are fun, stimulating and rewarding.
  • Carers of disabled children and young people (and the young people they care for) will have improved wellbeing.
  • Carers will have more opportunities to live a life outside of caring.
  • Carers will feel better supported to sustain their caring role.
  • There will be more opportunities and choices available for disabled children and young people and their families, including better access to mainstream activities and leisure services.
  • Through sharing learning and practice, there will be better understanding of the role of short breaks in supporting caring relationships, and a better understanding of the short break needs of disabled children and young people, and their carers.

Application workshops have been held across Scotland which provided information and guidance about how to make a strong application. These ended on 11th November 2013. Groups may contact the Short Breaks Fund Manager by phone (01383 622462) on the following dates:

  • 29th November (afternoon).
  • 4th December (afternoon).
  • 6th December (morning).

The deadline for applications is Wednesday, 11th December 2013 (noon).

Full details, including an application form, can be found on the Shared Care Scotland website.