Play Strategy for Scotland

Date: 25th September 2013
Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

An Equality Impact Assessment of the Play Strategy for Scotland was published on 10th September 2013, to consider the potential impacts across the protected characteristics.

As a result of the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA), the views of children including those with disabilities were sought during the development of the Strategy. It was established that the Strategy will have a direct effect on children, parents and the workforce delivering services to children. It will also indirectly affect communities across Scotland.

There was limited evidence in relation to Gender Reassignment and Sexual Orientation.

The publication of the Play Strategy for Scotland is the first step. In Autumn 2013 an action plan will be published which will clearly define which specific actions, underpinned by evidence, will deliver on the vision. Further engagement will take place to shape the action plan ensuring there is due regard to the equality of duty eliminating discrimination, promoting equality of opportunity and fostering good relations.

  • Download the EQIA here.