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xSHRC publish results of the SNAP participation phase
Date: 1st July 2013
General measures of implementation
The Scottish Human Rights Commission (SHRC) has published the findings of the participation phase for Scotland's National Action Plan (SNAP) for human rights.
The publication of 'Getting it Right' in October 2012 marked the start of a five month participation phase coordinated by SHRC. The report was published to provide an evidence base to develop Scotland's National Action Plan for Human Rights, and shows what appear to be some of the gaps and good practices for human rights in Scotland's legal, political, economic, social, technological and environmental contexts and across eight broad areas of life.
The participation phase set out where the barriers are to realising human rights, and ensuring that SNAP develops a range of solutions that are both achievable and practical.
The consultation period closed on 29th March 2013. Participants were asked two questions:
- Based on the evidence presented in the report Getting it Right?, or your own experience, what do you consider to be the most urgent human rights issues which should be addressed in Scotland's National Action Plan for Human Rights?
- What specific and achievable actions do you consider would best address the concerns you identify in your response to question 1?
Responses were submitted to the Commission either in writing or collected at various participation events.
Together produced a briefing on the consultation, which looked specifically at consistent violations of children's rights in Scotland as identified through Together's annual State of Children's Rights reports. Collating information from a variety of sources, the briefing aimed to: inform responses to the Scottish National Action Plan (SNAP) consultation; bring together the collective voice of the children's sector and mainstream children's rights within SNAP.
The publication of the participation phase for SNAP stated that 'there was a significant level of organisational response from children and young people's organisations, including those concerned with looked after children, kinship children, LGBT young people, children with parent/s in prison as well as those organisations with a an overall remit for the welfare and rights of children and young people.'