Parenthood education review: request for resources

Date: 17th June 2013
Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

NHS Health Scotland and Education Scotland are conducting a review of the resources available which could support the Parenthood aspect of the Curriculum for Excellence in schools, and are looking for examples to include.

The aim of this work is to provide educators with a bank of resources which have been quality assured to support young people to acquire accurate information, develop skills and positive values to guide their decision-making, relationships and behaviour throughout their lives.

NHS Health Scotland and Education Scotland are looking for resources that can be used to support young people to develop skills/understanding about what it is to be a parent - these might include resources about parenting, caring for children in general, not becoming pregnant unplanned/early, or financial capability, attachment, responsive care, etc., etc.

If you have any resources which may be of interest to the group, please complete the form below and return it to Lynn Soutar ( no later than the 28th June 2013.