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xNew Impact Report 2013 for Action for Children (UK)
Date: 15th June 2013
General measures of implementation
Action for Children has published its 2013 Impact Report, demonstrating its commitment to improving outcomes for the most vulnerable children and families.
The report focuses on key areas that improve children and young people's lives: safety, health, relationships and achievement. It also evidences the cost-effectiveness of Action for Children's services and highlights its approach, which is delivered alongside evidence-based programmes.
Key findings from 2012/13 include:
- Safety: 86% of their children's centres inspected by Ofsted were rated 'good' or 'outstanding' on their safeguarding of children.
- Healthy: 74% of the children and young people Action for Children worked with showed an improvement in their emotional or mental wellbeing.
- Relationships: 72% of children and young people Action for Children worked with improved their ability to maintain or form a supportive relationship with significant other/s.
- Achievement: In their Intensive Family Support services, 89% of children and young people improved and achieved at school.
- Innovation: In 79% of Family Partners cases, the concerns about neglect were addressed and concerns about the child reduced or removed.