Inquiry into the role and independence of the Office of the Children's Commissioner for England

Date: 13th March 2012
Category: General measures of implementation

The Joint Committee on Human Rights today announces a short inquiry into the role and independence of the Office of the Children's Commissioner for England.

In July 2010, the Secretary of State for Education asked John Dunford to carry out an independent review of the Office of the Children's Commissioner, and to make recommendations to improve the impact and effectiveness of the Commissioner's role. This was in set in the context of the Government's public commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)

John Dunford reported in November 2010; and the Government accepted in principle his Review's recommendations and restated its commitment to the UNCRC in December 2010. Legislation to put in place the changes called for is expected in the new Session of Parliament and is likely to be announced in the Queen's Speech on 9 May this year.

The Committee is interested in hearing how the recommendations of the Dunford Review might most effectively be taken forward by the Government, and how the role and independence of the Children's Commissioner can best be secured in the interests of the rights of the child and in line with the UNCRC.