Protecting the right of disabled people to independent living

Date: 23rd February 2011
Category: Disability, Basic Health and Welfare

Parliament's Joint Committee on Human Rights is seeking evidence about independent living for disabled people, as guaranteed by Article 19, UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The committee particularly welcomes evidence from disabled people and their families about how Government policy and legislation and the activities of public authorities can implement this right in practice.

The Committee's Chair, Dr Hywel Francis, said:

"The Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities is the newest of the UN Human Rights Treaties, ratified by the UK in June 2009, Article 19 recognises the equal right of disabled people to live in the community with choices equal to others.

Parliament's Joint Committee on Human Rights is keen to hear evidence from disabled people about how effectively this right is upheld in practice, how policy could be improved, and the possible impact of the Comprehensive Spending Review."

The deadline for all written submissions is Friday 29th April 2011.